Well Built College Building
The College’s building has been built with all the needs and requirements of the students kept in mind. We have provisioned for state-of-the-art resources and facilities which are  sure to make the learning process a wholesome one.

Well-equipped Science Lab ( Physics,Chemistry,Biology)
The science laboratory which has provisions for conducting experiments in Physics, Chemistry and Biology is well-equipped so as to give the students maximum opportunities to implement their classroom learnings.

Spacious Playground
A large area has been made for the students to play various sports. This would help them refresh their mind and apply themselves better in all walks of life.

Library Flooded with Books
The well-stocked library gives the student avenues to further expand and explore their knowledge beyond what they have learnt in the classroom.

Modern Computer Lab
The state-of-the-art computer lab gets the best in technology to the doorstep of the students. The lab helps the students keep up-to-date with the latest technology by learning how to use them with ease.

Use of Audio-Visual aids in Classroom Teaching
Audio-visual tools used in all our classrooms give the students another source to absorb  knowledge and understand concepts better, given that the use of such learning aids has    been shown to significantly enhance learning outcomes.

Digital/Virtual Classroom
Virtual classrooms literally take the lecture to the student. That is to say, if any student is unable to attend the lecture, they need not miss out on it completely because they can view the same lecture using the digital classroom facility.

Guest Lectures for Personality Development & Life Skills
Simply being technically strong is not enough to succeed in today’s ultra-competitive  environment. We must possess qualities that set us apart from the crowd. It is to this end  that we organize regular sessions for the personality development and life skills  enhancement of the students.

Guidance for Engineering and Medical Entrance Exams
Many students wish to pursue a career in the engineering and medical areas but lack the  guidance to walk on the path. We at Zeal Junior College hold guidance sessions to clear   the clouds and help the students gain clarity with respect to their doubts in the relevant fields.

Guidance for CA/CS Foundation, Tally, MS-CIT Exams
Students who wish to pursue professional courses like CA and CS and those with an  interest to go for vocational courses like Tally and MS-CIT also receive ample guidance  at our College.

Limited Students in the Classroom
We strive to maintain an apt student-teacher ratio by minimizing the number of students   in one class thus ensuring that each student receives personal attention. This helps in maximizing learning outcomes for the students while exerting little pressure on the teachers.

Yoga and Meditation
There is a need to calm the body and soul down so that we may be mentally strong as well in addition to physical health. In this regard, we regularly conduct yoga and meditation sessions to help the students remain calm and focused.

Sports Activities
Physical fitness is of extreme importance in order to stay healthy. While we encourage our students to take up any sport of their choice, we also urge them to compete in various events and engage themselves in a competitive environment which will ensure the all-round development of the student.

Reasonable Fees
The College charges fees from the students in line with the facilities provided without exerting any financial burden on them, thus striking a perfect balance.

Excursion and Field Trip
Excursions and field trips are regularly conducted by the College for giving practical exposure to the students and also to let them enjoy a break from the routine.

Excellent Residential and Mess Facility
The residential provisions and the mess facility is an attempt by us to provide a home away from home for our students who are in Pune for their education and do not live with their family.

Transport Facility
The transport facility is provided by the College for all those students who live outside the college premises. The bus service is available on a certain number of routes.

Well Experienced and Trained Faculty
The renowned and skilled faculty we have at Zeal Junior College is fully involved in  providing the best of the best education to the bright young minds.